Unique field services for concrete and metal cutting applications—both on land and undersea, In-Place...Any Place in The World.

Diamond Wire Cutting for Concrete & Metal

Every specialized cutting job is unique. That’s why our engineering team develops a coordinated, visually-delineated plan to be followed on the job site to maximize efficiency while minimizing the time needed to complete your project.

Diamond Wire Cutting Overview

Quality Work Done Safely... It's In Everything We Do

Working safely protects employees, equipment, customers, customer assets, and vendors

More About Safety

Our Extensive Capabilities

IPM gathers the conceptual detail of the requirements for your large-scale cutting project. Then we utilize our 40 years of extensive project experience to meticulously engineer a detailed work plan, facilitating the most economic and efficient solution. The diamond wire system is the key to the process of cutting heavy structures. Our proprietary diamond wire systems utilize state of the art technology to improve operator efficiency and enhance safe execution, including all-electric saws with auto-feed capabilities. We also offer proprietary recycling systems to reduce the volume of waste and minimize the use of water.

Our worldwide markets include:

  • Nuclear Power
  • Hydroelectric Power
  • Locks and Dams
  • Heavy Industrial
  • Nuclear Decommissioning


  • Bridge Construction/Modifications
  • Marine and Offshore
  • Forging and Metal Forming
  • Steel Mills
  • Thermal Power

Additional Cutting & Demolition Services

We offer a variety of other cutting and demolition services that complement our vast experience in wire cutting of large scale concrete and metal structures.

  • Robotic Demolition
  • Hydraulic Splitting
  • Diamond Core Drilling
  • Diamond Blade Sawing
  • Specialized Pole Sawing

Contact IPM Today to See How We Can Help You

Discover the advantage of working with an industry pioneer with over 40 years of machining experience

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